DILSI Drink Orange Flavor - 300 ML - ديلسي برتقال
ديلسي مشروب غازي بنكهة البرتقال  المكونات مياه غازية، سكر، نكهة الرمان الطبيعية ، حمض غذائي ، مادة حافظة، محليات ، ملون طعام طبيعي مشروب منعش يقدم بارداً 
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DILSI Drink Ginger Flavor - 300 ML - ديلسي زنجبيل
ديلسي مشروب غازي بنكهه الزنجبيل يأتي بعلب بلاستيكية  مشروب غازي يحتوي على نكهة الزنجبيل مشروب منعش يقدم بارداً 
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Shani Drink- شاني
Shani is a delicious berry-flavored carbonated soft drink that instantly quenches your thirst and refreshes your senses. Both make for an equally convenient and perfect way to enjoy your downtime with family and friends.
from $1.99
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Caesar Mango Juice - سيزر عصير مانجو
Packed with only the highest quality ingredients, Caesar Mango Juice is a delicious way to enjoy the refreshing taste of mango without added sugars.
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Bison Energy Drink- مشروب طاقة بايسون
Bison is an energy drink that helps the body gain strength and vitality, as it contains an advanced scientific formula of essential vitamins that help avoid mental and physical fatigue, allowing you to increase the energy you need to get...
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Tamek Apricot Juice 1Liter- عصير المشمش
Tamek Apricot Juice is a refreshing and flavorful beverage crafted from the natural goodness of ripe apricots. The juice is typically made by extracting the sweet and tangy juice from the fruit and may be pasteurized for preservation while retaining...
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Suntop Fruit Mix Drink 250 ml- شراب سن توب
Suntop Mixed Fruit is a refreshing and great tasting high quality fruit drink made with real fruit juice, it is rich in vitamin C and contains no preservatives, no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. A perfect companion for an everyday...
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Haddah Water 750ml - مياه حده
مياه حده المنتج الأول من حيث الجودة والعذوبة على مستوى اليمننعمل وفقا للمعايير الدولية والمحلية من حيث الجودة والمواصفات ونتبع أعلى معايير السلامة Haddah water is one of the top leading brands of water in Yemen.  With superiority in quality...
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Shamlan Water 750ml - مياه شملان
مياه شملان , مياه شرب طبيعية نقية وصحية معبأة في غاية الصفاء وفق أعلى مستويات من الجودة والنقاء. المياه الأولى في اليمن   Shamlan Water, Pure and healthy natural drinking water bottled in the highest purity according to the highest...
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Wellmade Guava Juice - عصير جوافة
Wellmade Guava juice has a healthy and natural ingredient, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients, and the absolute good test is the guarantee for its success. 
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